Tart Cherry: A Small-But-Mighty Super Fruit


One incredible superfood that has gotten a lot of attention lately is tart cherry. This small-but-mighty fruit is having a major moment in the health and wellness spaces, and for good reason!

Sometimes called “sour cherries,” their bright red hue and sweet-sour taste are as if regular cherries had the volume turned all the way up! Their scientific name is prunus cerasus, and the Montmorency variety is the most popular type of sour cherry grown in the U.S.

Tart cherry juice’s properties are widely praised by many in the wellness community. One of the main wellness benefits attributed to tart cherry juice is sleep improvement.

According to The Sleep Foundation, which has a full medical advisory board and a medical review panel, studies suggest that drinking tart cherry juice can lead to a better night’s sleep, thanks to the fruit’s naturally robust levels of tryptophan and melatonin.

This can be especially helpful as the seasons change and the clocks fall back or spring forward. Natural remedies like tart cherry juice can ease the transitions of our biorhythms as we adjust to these changes.


Tart cherry juice contains melatonin, a hormone that rises in the body in the evening and promotes a quite, calm state that can lead to a better night’s sleep.[1] The fruit and its juice also contain tryptophan (yes, the famous part of turkey that makes everyone sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner) — about 9 milligrams per every 100 milligrams of tart cherry juice.[2] Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps aid the body in melatonin production. Many people who suffer from insomnia or struggle with sleep take melatonin and tryptophan supplements, and tart cherry juice, especially enjoyed about two hours before bedtime, can be a natural substitute for those supplements.

The Sleep Foundation suggests that you “opt for [tart cherry] juice without added sugar, so you do not inadvertently add too much sugar to your diet.” Hot tip: Our Just Tart Cherry® Juice contains 100% juice and zero grams of added sugar.


[1] https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/melatonin-for-sleep-does-it-work

[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28901958/

[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21233776/

 [1] GoutEducation.org


If you’re ready to start harnessing the benefits of tart cherry juice, try the R.W. Knudsen Family® Just Tart Cherry Juice®, part of our line called Just Juices — 100% pure single-fruit juices with bold, unapologetic flavors that are loaded with health and wellness benefits.

To learn more about R.W. Knudsen Just Juices, visit our website, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

Medical Disclaimer: The content on this page should not be taken as medical advice or used as a recommendation for any specific medication. Always consult your doctor before taking any new medication or changing your current dosage.


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